Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Almost over....

Well, my fast ended up extending another 10 days. How funny God can be. Two days before the proposed ending, I thought, if God asked me to fast longer, could I? Would I? Yeah, I could. It 's not really wanting to eat meat and junk that is the issue - it's knowing that I can't have those things. You know how that is, I'm sure. Anyway, about a month ago I bought a book at Wal-Mart - one of those impulse "I want to buy me something" purchases. It was a devotional book - 90 days focusing on Proverbs 31. Becoming the woman that God wants you to be. It is an awesome book. About two weeks after buying it, I started the daily devotionals. The day before my fast was supposed to end for some reason I read ahead to the next day (something I had not been allowing myself to do) and it proudly announced that this would be the day we would start our 10 day Daniel Fast. Wow. I was so weirded out by that. I just couldn't believe the timing. What are the chances that I would buy the book, wait two weeks to start it and it perfectly landed the devotional for that day on the day my fast was to end? God is soooooo in all we do. He even warned me this may happen a few days before when I started wondering 'what if' God asked me to fast longer.

So, after extending 10 days, my fast will end this Thursday. I am tickled because of course the appetite tries to rule, but on the other hand I am saddened. This has been an experience. A great one. And I will miss waking up daily knowing that I am making a sacrifice in order to draw closer to God.

About Colt - the booger that brought all this on. :) I definitely owe him one! Whether he is completely delivered and healed or not, this experience has definitely been life changing for both of us. We have both changed so much. We went through some hard moments at school during all this. Apparently the devil was UPSET that I decided to go through with the extra 10 days of fast because that very day I got a phone call from the school. Not a good one - Colt had acted out to the point they could not take it anymore. They called me to come get him, put him out of school for 2 days and off the bus for 10. AND he failed all but one class this 9 weeks. AND I missed out on the overtime for the week that would buy me tires because I had to leave work to go get him. AND I just knew I was pretty close to death that evening with one of those 'oh, I'm gonna throw up' migraine headaches. Wow. However, since then - all has been well. He has been good at school this week and other than complaining of boredom because he is grounded for 9 weeks, he has done well at home too. I believe the problems were the devil trying to keep me from persevering in my fasting efforts for Colt. Guess what, devil? It ain't gonna be that easy!! I have had a taste of what the Lord has to offer and I am not giving that up, I am going to push through and experience all of Him that He will allow. That is the key - perseverance.

Please continue to keep Colt in your prayers

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