Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Pastor......

My Pastor - Gabe Trevino - (who absolutely rocks, by the way) met Steven Baldwin at Kroger the other night. Stephen Baldwin... Stevie B... Sarah Palin's favorite Baldwin Bro, LOL. How awesome is that? What in the world could he possibly be doing in Ga, in Kroger at night? (It was a divine set up is what it was!!) He mentioned our church and was given the information to contact the AsSalt Tour about coming here to Dahlonega. I am sure Pastor Gabe was stoked when he left that store! Oh my goodness - that would be SO cool! If you aren't familiar with this ministry, their website is www.assalttour.com . This is quite an opportunity for us to reach so many young kids in our community. It could be the key to drawing numerous teens into our church. Get ready, DAG - once the AsSalt Tour leaves our town, we will be the ones left with the responsibility of continuing to show the love of Christ to all those who were affected by it. Whoo-Hoo!!

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