Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's been awhile....

Wow, haven't done this in quite awhile, huh? I've been busy, but then today I read a blog post from Pastor Perry Noble that really touched me - made me cry a little and so I decided to share. So here's the link - read and enjoy and remember, God is there! He is always there! Just hold His hand and He will guide you. Hold My Hand

As you start your day, leave your house, and numerous times during the day stop and do a check - keys? check.... wallet? check...... bible? check..... God's hand? check..... It's so easy to get caught up and not realize that you have in fact let go of His hand. Make the daily check a habit and the stresses of each day won't be nearly as overwhelming. God bless ^__^

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Never really thought of it like this....

You gotta click here and read this blog - by Pastor Perry Noble. Funny, gross and awesome... but so true.... It really spoke to me so I figured I would share.

God Bless :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Need a laugh?

Okay, I stumbled upon this video on YouTube and it has absolutely cracked me up! This poor kid. I have watched this at least 50 times and I just laugh until I cry. Awesome stress relief when you can just laugh your tail off at something silly. You have to listen to him as he hollers - bless his heart. And you never see him return to the screen, Lol. My son deserves something like this - he loves to startle people - it would serve him right. All in good fun, enjoy :)

Good night and God Bless...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

What are we waiting for???

This fella here is cracking me up! He is so honest, but what he has to say is the truth. What are we waiting for? If God is working on you, even if He has only just begun - MOVE!! Do something - FOR HIM! If you are waiting for God to finish perfecting you before you begin then you are seriously gonna miss out. Love Him, let Him change you and while He is working - Go tell someone about Him!

Another blogger to keep track of... :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Pastor......

My Pastor - Gabe Trevino - (who absolutely rocks, by the way) met Steven Baldwin at Kroger the other night. Stephen Baldwin... Stevie B... Sarah Palin's favorite Baldwin Bro, LOL. How awesome is that? What in the world could he possibly be doing in Ga, in Kroger at night? (It was a divine set up is what it was!!) He mentioned our church and was given the information to contact the AsSalt Tour about coming here to Dahlonega. I am sure Pastor Gabe was stoked when he left that store! Oh my goodness - that would be SO cool! If you aren't familiar with this ministry, their website is www.assalttour.com . This is quite an opportunity for us to reach so many young kids in our community. It could be the key to drawing numerous teens into our church. Get ready, DAG - once the AsSalt Tour leaves our town, we will be the ones left with the responsibility of continuing to show the love of Christ to all those who were affected by it. Whoo-Hoo!!

Almost over....

Well, my fast ended up extending another 10 days. How funny God can be. Two days before the proposed ending, I thought, if God asked me to fast longer, could I? Would I? Yeah, I could. It 's not really wanting to eat meat and junk that is the issue - it's knowing that I can't have those things. You know how that is, I'm sure. Anyway, about a month ago I bought a book at Wal-Mart - one of those impulse "I want to buy me something" purchases. It was a devotional book - 90 days focusing on Proverbs 31. Becoming the woman that God wants you to be. It is an awesome book. About two weeks after buying it, I started the daily devotionals. The day before my fast was supposed to end for some reason I read ahead to the next day (something I had not been allowing myself to do) and it proudly announced that this would be the day we would start our 10 day Daniel Fast. Wow. I was so weirded out by that. I just couldn't believe the timing. What are the chances that I would buy the book, wait two weeks to start it and it perfectly landed the devotional for that day on the day my fast was to end? God is soooooo in all we do. He even warned me this may happen a few days before when I started wondering 'what if' God asked me to fast longer.

So, after extending 10 days, my fast will end this Thursday. I am tickled because of course the appetite tries to rule, but on the other hand I am saddened. This has been an experience. A great one. And I will miss waking up daily knowing that I am making a sacrifice in order to draw closer to God.

About Colt - the booger that brought all this on. :) I definitely owe him one! Whether he is completely delivered and healed or not, this experience has definitely been life changing for both of us. We have both changed so much. We went through some hard moments at school during all this. Apparently the devil was UPSET that I decided to go through with the extra 10 days of fast because that very day I got a phone call from the school. Not a good one - Colt had acted out to the point they could not take it anymore. They called me to come get him, put him out of school for 2 days and off the bus for 10. AND he failed all but one class this 9 weeks. AND I missed out on the overtime for the week that would buy me tires because I had to leave work to go get him. AND I just knew I was pretty close to death that evening with one of those 'oh, I'm gonna throw up' migraine headaches. Wow. However, since then - all has been well. He has been good at school this week and other than complaining of boredom because he is grounded for 9 weeks, he has done well at home too. I believe the problems were the devil trying to keep me from persevering in my fasting efforts for Colt. Guess what, devil? It ain't gonna be that easy!! I have had a taste of what the Lord has to offer and I am not giving that up, I am going to push through and experience all of Him that He will allow. That is the key - perseverance.

Please continue to keep Colt in your prayers

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wow, talk about frustration. For some reason, I have been unable to log into this account for days and days. I finally took a deep breath, said a prayer and went through the whole password reset thing (again). I am on here now, but I don't know what the issue was to begin with. Ugh, I can't stand not knowing why something does not work.

Colt update - he is doing a little better in school. He is still having problems sitting down in class and actually completing his assignments though. He had to stay after school one day last week to catch up on some math work. Please continue to pray for him. Things are getting better - slowly. Slowly - that's another thing I can't stand. I can't stand to wait. The older I get the more impatient I seem to be - have to pray harder about that one :)

I was thinking a few weeks ago - We all know that God has the power to change Colt in one second. He could - in an instant - transform Colt into a 13 year old Bill Gates - or the perfect student. So, if I am praying and fasting, and all of you guys are praying - why isn't it happening? Why would God not answer this prayer immediately and take the frustration and stress out of this situation? There are many aspects of life that we could ask this question about. I would like to be a more patient person - if I am praying about that why is it not happening like, right now? If I am trying to get out of debt and I tithe and pray about it, why am I not instantly, supernaturally out of debt? If I am having problems in a relationship and I pray about it and I love and serve the other person with all I have, why is it not getting better? Why in these situations do I have to take one step forward only to feel like Satan has pushed me two steps back? You know why? Because even though God has the ability to make it all better in an instant He knows that if He does, I will take what He gives me and be content with that. Oh, I might praise Him for a moment, a day, a week, but eventually, I will forget the excitement of it and go back to my old ways of calling on Him just when I need Him.

God allows us all to go through trials - slowly sometimes - in order to teach us to constantly look to Him. He molds us into what He wants us to be. He teaches us that we cannot do these things on our own, we must constantly look to Him for His loving help, guidance and provision. He is a faithful God and when we learn this and begin to look to Him for everything, He will honor and reward that. How encouraging!

Perseverance is the key. Push through whatever you are going through. When you finally come out on the other side healed, delivered, debt free, whatever - you will also be that much closer to God. I can't imagine anywhere else I'd rather be :)