Monday, November 10, 2008

Need a laugh?

Okay, I stumbled upon this video on YouTube and it has absolutely cracked me up! This poor kid. I have watched this at least 50 times and I just laugh until I cry. Awesome stress relief when you can just laugh your tail off at something silly. You have to listen to him as he hollers - bless his heart. And you never see him return to the screen, Lol. My son deserves something like this - he loves to startle people - it would serve him right. All in good fun, enjoy :)

Good night and God Bless...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

What are we waiting for???

This fella here is cracking me up! He is so honest, but what he has to say is the truth. What are we waiting for? If God is working on you, even if He has only just begun - MOVE!! Do something - FOR HIM! If you are waiting for God to finish perfecting you before you begin then you are seriously gonna miss out. Love Him, let Him change you and while He is working - Go tell someone about Him!

Another blogger to keep track of... :)