Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wednesday Night Service

I am trying to catch up with the cool updates so far - I am now 12 days into my fast and just started this blog today - it's getting hard to remember who all to call and email with updates! So many people have passed along my email prayer request that it has spread all over the country.

Let's see.... Oh yeah, the night after I sent out my email, Colt and I went to Wed night church service - our Pastor, Pastor Gabe, opened the altar at the beginning of the service for prayer for any needs. I grabbed Colt up and we made our way to the front. Pastor Gabe had such an encouraging word for Colt and prayer was AWESOME that night! So many people responded to the call that it tore at my heart. The number of teens who put pride and fear aside and stepped forward was amazing. I just love everyone at our church - they are all such wonderful people. I wasn't sure until the following Monday what kind of impact that night had made on Colt, but I sure found out. One of the first things I was told was that there had been an improvement at school - a small one, but an improvement nonetheless. Pastor Gabe kept telling Colt "Your emotions do not rule you, you rule your emotions". Seems that for the next two days, Colt went out of his way to purposely remove himself from situations that could lead to confrontation or trouble with others. It was obvious to the teachers and some other students that he was doing this - that is my first victory update! For them to see and tell me that he had put to use the advice given to him by Pastor Gabe was amazing! I explained to them about my prayer request and the awesome night of prayer we had just prior to that behavior and they seemed to agree that we are headed in the right direction. I asked them to really focus on and mention any good behavior changes - even the smallest ones - as soon as they happen. It's a basic principle that most would have mastered by his age but I am going BACK to the basics with him, starting over, showing him with great praise and reward that every single effort on his part is appreciated and noticed. He has been such a wonderful, awesome little man at home and I really look forward to the day that he learns to self-monitor in all situations, even those that overstimulate his little mind.

So, to sum it up, we had an awesome night of prayer and encouragement for Colt at church and the school meeting the following week really was the best one I have attended yet. This was the first meeting I have gone to with so many positive reports. I look forward to many more :)

Please keep him in your prayers - God is working here!!

The Beginning....

Hi y'all...

I think I will start my blog with a copy of the email that I sent out to many people that I knew would help me to pray (and possibly join in fasting) for my son, Colt. The email will explain what we are going through and the reason for our prayer request. Thanks for your time - stay tuned.... I plan to fill this blogspot with many many updates - each showing the faithfulness of our wonderful Heavenly Father as He miraculously answers these prayers :)

Hi, I am writing you all with what I consider to be an urgent prayer request concerning my 13 year old son, Colt Sentell. I will give a bit of history and then go into my plan and request. Thank you for your time.

Colt has had behavioral and attention difficulties since his first year of school. He seems to be incapable of sitting still in a learning environment and he doesn't have the patience or desire to do any written work. He was put into special ed services in the first grade and has been under the label of special ed ever since. We were told this was a way he could get the one on one and small classroom attention that he needed. He is not a mentally or physically handicapped child in any way - he is what the doctors call "ADHD with impulsivity". Since he was given this diagnosis by a doctor (ask me for details on how we came to this diagnosis and I will be glad to share) he is now labeled - I mean LABELED. It follows him everywhere and will be on his school record until the end. He really is not given much of a chance in any situation once people realize he is one of 'those kids'. I do not like or agree with this label - I believe this is a curse sent straight from the pits of Hell to wreak havoc on our children and families. One of the enemies plots to "steal, and to kill and to destroy" (John 10:10) It most definitely has the power to destroy a family, weaken your faith, cause issues in relationships and fill your life with emotional and mental stress. I am standing on the rest of the verse - While "The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly". John 10:10

Our school systems are not set up to handle these special children so they place them in the special ed program. I have no problems at all with the special ed program - they perform a wonderful service for those who would not be educated otherwise - however, when you have a child who is mentally capable of age appropriate work, whose intelligence is average or above and you place them in this program, they are then taught on the lower intelligence or physical ability level. I now have a 13 year old who is attempting 7th grade for the second time and he has the education of a 3rd or 4th grader. Because of this we are dealing with resentment, bitterness and self esteem issues on his part. Not to mention he still does not have the ability to attend as needed to make it through a day of school. In middle school they decided that he was unable to handle the freedom that was suddenly his. He was on his own - bell rings, you go to the next class all by yourself - exciting for some kids. Colt was excited, but couldn't handle the responsibility. He had not changed classrooms or been on his own from preschool. He had teachers lead him everywhere he had to go and didn't know how in the world to even DO sixth grade. You cannot keep a child in that closed environment for so long and then just let him go. So, after not being able to handle that, they put him into the alternative school at LCMS. It is called Phoenix Learning Center and let me tell you - ALL the children and the parents of these children need some serious prayer. These are not kids who just can't sit still or are hyper - these are kids who are physically violent, have had weapons charges, have had sexual misconduct charges, drug users, and alcohol abusers - we are speaking of kids from ages 12 to 17!!! So once again, my son is in a program that is not geared to meet his needs. Where do we go from here?

I have done a lot of taking up for Colt in the paragraphs above but don't get me wrong - he can be defiant, he does not like and usually bucks authority of any kind, he picks on people, he lacks respect and he can be an irritating little snot. :) But I have seen his heart over the years - I know it's in there - he loves animals and little kids - he goes out of his way to help people (especially if a little praise follows the task) and he would give you just about anything he owns if you sincerely need or want it. He has always been a 'helper' and I know that this is not the life that God intended for him. The reason he is still in it is because the people responsible for his life have not devoted the attention required and that God desires to the spiritual aspect of his little life. Oh, the hurt and regret when you, as a mom realize this.....

Here is where pride hits me and I wish I could skip this part, but it is something I have to admit and share. I spend all summer, every year, thinking well, Colt will mature over the summer and be fine by the time school starts - he is just a boy - they are just picking on him - any excuse I can come up with. School starts.... same thing. Within three weeks I am getting emails and phone calls - we just don't know what to do with him, he won't do his work, he won't listen, he doesn't care, etc. I get so frustrated that I go to the meetings and then blow it off (they are the professionals, why are they asking me what to do???) Last week I received an email stating that it was the same all over again - he won't do his work, shows no concern for his education or his future, won't be still, won't listen. They are at a loss and just do not know what to do anymore. My confession is - I haven't wanted to deal with it - it got to be so much, so overwhelming - especially dealing with it all by myself - that I would literally blow it off and ignore it - hoping it would get better. There were times I would pray about it, confess a marvelous change, have faith and would not SEE a change (I was looking really hard so I ended up disappointed) and I allowed that to just bust my faith right down to nothing. Why was prayer not working? Why would God allow Colt to go through this? Why would He not just touch him, change him - We all know He can! I would give up and we would continue our defeated lives. I was not the best mom I could be to Colt. I am ashamed of that - I carry that around - the school would call and I would think, well, I know the key but I am too lazy to start it and persevere. It was just too emotionally draining.

The good news is that God finally got a hold of me - bad. He has torn me up for weeks over this and this evening I finally stopped running. This is my child - we really have a good life, we struggle but we really lack for nothing - can I dare say no any longer? I owe this to Colt, to God. Sometimes we just don't want to be obedient - it's inconvenient or uncomfortable or it doesn't fit our lifestyle, or we worry what other people will think, so we try to handle things ourselves. I know though, that it is time to stop running and be the mom that He gives me the grace, mercy, patience and endurance to be. What will He allow next to get my attention if I don't listen this time? Too scary to dwell on that for long.

God has laid a scripture on my heart - it has been chasing me for weeks - I see it everywhere (especially since I completed my fast for another situation in my life last month). Seems that for awhile, every devotional, every magazine article, every book I picked up dealt with this scripture. And I finally realized it was a Word straight from God
over and over and over (takes awhile for some of us to get it!)

And when they had come to the multitude, a man came to Him, kneeling down to Him and saying, "Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. So I brought him to Your disciples, but they could not cure him." Then Jesus answered and said, "Oh, faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me." And Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him; and the child was cured from that very hour. Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, "Why could we not cast it out?" So Jesus said to them, "Because of your unbelief; for assuredly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." Matthew 17:14-21 NKJV

God has called me to fast for healing and deliverance from the evil spirit that has wrapped its claws around Colt's life and his mind and is attempting to get at his heart. For salvation, for restoration of his mind, emotions and self esteem. For success in all his future educational endeavors. I have vowed to fast a 3 day normal fast (water and 100% juices) followed by a 40 day 'Daniel Fast' (veggies, whole grains, juice and water). My request to you is simply for sincere, heartfelt prayer for Colt. If any of you feel led to join me in fasting for Colt, that would be wonderful! I don't expect anyone to fast for the length of time that I will, this is my calling - but you are welcome to fast for a day, three days, one day a week, whatever - God knows your heart - length of time and how or what you fast are not as important as the state of your heart during your fast. I have found a few resources on line that I can share with you if you have questions on fasting or types of fasts. The only thing I would like to ask if you do fast for Colt is that you let me know you are going to do so, when and for how long - I would like to add you into my prayers during your time of fast for God to grant you the mercy and grace and strength to persevere and to bless you for joining with me. Please share this with anyone and everyone that you feel would be willing to pray for Colt and I for the next 43 days. The more people I have praying for him, the better - I want to shake the gates of heaven with prayer, praise and worship on Colt's behalf and really get God's attention! I am done being the mom who settles - Praise God, I don't have to live with that shame anymore. God's mercies are new every morning - Great is His faithfulness!!! (Lam3:22-23).

Thank you so much for your time, this is a bit longer than I intended and I apologize for that. It only begins to scratch the surface of my passion for this cause, though. Thank you for your prayers.... remember,

Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. Matthew 18:19 NKJV

So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11

I can't wait to give the praise report on the 44th Day!!!!!


Shelia Pace

I will begin my 3 day normal fast on Tues Sept 9th and begin the 40 day Daniel fast on Fri Sept 12 - ending Tues Oct 21st. (Wow, I will just miss out on those funnel cakes at Gold Rush by 2 days ) Thanks again and God Bless you all!

I know that was a lot of reading - thanks for 'listening' - Now let's all pray hard, sit back and watch the Lord work!  God Bless You All !!